Easiest AI on UiPath

Enterprise customers in industries like in logistics, retail and construction have chosen Aito's machine learning tools to support automated decision making in RPA workflows. Aito enriches the incoming transactions like invoices, orders, tickets and more with your internal data and context.

Our humans love talking about robots!

Aito is the quickest path to intelligent automation

Build without data science

Aito is significantly easier to use than the data-science-centric solutions in the market. The robot software developers can build intelligent automations with AI capabilities quickly and efficiently.

From POC to production

Aito helps to run quick proof-of-concepts, but that's not the end of it. Any scale of production usage is possible without investing in expensive and time consuming MLops and services scaling that most of the solutions need.

Enterprise-grade security

Aito's infrastructure has been with scalability and security in mind. Each customer's data runs in the dedicated machines, is encrypted at rest and is never used to train anyone else's models. What is yours stays yours. Always.
"Aito has provided Posti a fast and easy tool to implement machine learning to business processes, adding new opportunities to our Intelligent Automation toolkit."

Jani Rahja,

Head of Intelligent Automation @Posti

"Aito has enabled us to work faster with our clients to understand the potential of intelligent automation use cases."

Jarno Toivonen,

Co-founder @Sisua Digital

Get started in three steps

Step 1

Create a dataset

Aito works as a persistent and secure data storage for the training data, so you have less things to think.

Connecting your data can be done various ways, manually or automated over interfaces.

Step 2

Evaluate the automation potential

Aito Evaluations are unique in the market! You can check the automation potential using any dataset with just a few clicks. Base your business case on real numbers and stop guessing.

Check our Evaluations video tutorial!

Step 3

Integrate with bots

Drop Aito predictions in the bot workflow. Aito can help bot decide things like accounting details for purchase invoices, product codes for orders, categories for expense claims, teams for customer service tickets, and much more.

Step-by-step tutorial here, with plenty of additional content available!


Operate without MLops

Aito is production ready and scalable out of the box, wihtout anything else needed. Check back with our Console periodically, to make sure the prediction accuracy stays on par and data is great.

Get started with Aito today, let us show how!