Smarter predictions for intelligent automation

Businesses are looking for simple solutions to complex workflows. With Aito, you can test, deploy and maintain a machine learning classifier without struggling with code, and use predictions with any automation platform.

Machine learning made for no-coders and RPA devs

Automation rate gains

Instantly available ML classification helps automation teams across several use cases, such as predicting details for purchase invoices, classifying customer service tickets, or predicting product tags.

Hidden complexity

A patent pending and proven approach takes care of the science behind the scenes. This means you can deploy faster and spend less time maintaining models. Aito always predicts using the very latest data.


We've built Aito with RPA developers and no-coders like you in mind. Develop ML use cases with UI and deploy simple APIs that work with any automation platform, from enterprise solutions to automation SaaS platforms.
Aito is a fast and easy tool to implement ML to business processes. Great addition to our Intelligent Automation toolkit!

Jani Rahja,

Head of IA @Posti

It's crazy how well aito works out of the box for answering specific support question!

Tobias Vogel,

Chief Revenue Officer @Gridpane

Hosted & managed for ease

Aito is fully managed and hosted in the cloud, reducing your effort to a bare minimum. Drop a dataset in at Aito Console, and start predicting immediately without a wait. We take care of all the necessities such as machines, features and algorithms ensuring everything runs perfectly and securely 24/7.

Aito works great with tabular datasets (think excel, csv, databases and so on) and predicts categorical target column(s) from continuously evolving data without need for re-training.

Made for production use

While there are plenty of AutoML tools out in the market, Aito stands out by being specifically made for intelligent automation use cases. Everytime new data is added to the dataset (one entry at a time, or as a batch), it is automatically taken into account in next predictions. No re-training or deployments needed.

Getting vital metrics like potential automation rate, understanding prediction error and monitoring accuracy continuously are built-in features.

Works with any automation platform

Aito is dedicated to making the machine learning easy and usable for automation developers regardless of the platform you use. Affordable predictions are always available using our Prediction Nodes, simple API endpoints. They work with any RPA and automation tool, or even accross multiple tools at once.

Pricing model based on usage and without upfront fee or time consuming implementation projects is optimal for enterprise teams going to positive ROI in the shortest possible time, as well as for consultancies offering their Robot-as-a-Service solutions for clients.

Code away for full flexibility

Simple use cases can be done without code, but that is not the end of Aito's capabilities. For robot software developers who prefer to get deeper, we offer our Python SDK as well as flexible Aito Query Language exposing full capabilities of the platform.

Latest blog posts

New integration! Aito Instant Predictions app is now available from Airtable Marketplace.