New feature: Test predictions in the Console UI

Photo by Chokniti Khongchum

Today we released the preview version of the Test Predictions tab in the Console. It's part of our Bigger Plan to make the intelligent automation PoCs a 3-step workflow - all in UI.

Go into any of the instances, and you'll find it on the left side (on desktop browsers). It doesn't need many explanations! Video tells it all.

Here's how it works: pick a dataset, pick a prediction target, edit the input values, and hit predict. And Aito predicts.

We have loads of things in the plans for this view, but we would love to hear your needs and wishes at our Slack channel.

Here are some of the known issues and immediate plans:

  • Have (X) button to clear/disable a value, so that is not used as prediction input.
  • Reveal the underlying JSON request and response to help you integrate the queries with the RPA platform.
  • Loads of error handling (I will send you an Aito shirt if you can use it without errors! Claim yours in our slack)
  • Loads of UI tweaks

Have fun predicting!

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New integration! Aito Instant Predictions app is now available from Airtable Marketplace.